วันศุกร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550



A colourful event held over a nine day period in late September early October this
celebrates the Chinese community belief that abstinence from meat and various stimulants during the nine lunar of the Chinese calendar can will good health .The festival always falls mine days participant observe the following commitment one leanliness of the body during festival two wear white during festival three avoid meat avoid sex alcohol and pregnant woman should not attend ceremonies.The most of very exciting in festival ceremonies which are held to invoke the gods by men or woman puncture their cheeks .It is believed the Chinese gods protect person from harm and little blood .Phuket have six temple Chinese JUI TUI Shrine is the main.The local Chinese and Thai community brings their household gods to be temple along with offering of food and drink .Usually street procession take place where visitors can see participants walking in a trance .Other event include hundred of local residence running across a bed of burning coals or climbing and about eight metre or sharp while intrance .Apart from the visual spectacle of this festival visitor can partake in specially prepared vegetarian cuisine made available at street stalls and market around the island during this time .The vegetarian dishes-soybean and protein substitute products are used to replace meat in standard Thai fare and look and taste uncannily like meat .Look for the yellow flags with red Chinese or Thai characters to vegetarian food stalls and keep your camera handy. Extreme eating during Phuket Vegetarian Festival most of us have heard of extream sports of some kind be The local villagers decided to follow suit, beginning on the first night of the ninth month and continuing until the ninth night. These nine days of self-denial were considered to be auspicious.Everything started 1825 when the governor moved the island's principal town from Ta Reua in Thalang District to Get-Hoe in Kathu district. Kathu was then still covered by jungle and malaria fever was widespread. There was a mining industry in Kathu and Chinese miners. A travelling Chines theatre troupe came to Phuket to perform for the Chinese thin miners. Struck down by a mysterious epidemic, the entertainers decided they had fallen ill because they had failed to pay proper respects to the nine Emperors Gods of Taoism. They consequently adopted a strict vegetarian diet to propitiate their deities, namely Kiu Hong Tai Te and Youk Hong Ta Te, and were cured.As penance they erected Chinese temples and held a vegetarian festival towardoff any residual bad luck. According to local legend the unorthodox remedy worked and the annual vegetarian festival has been held ever since.
Thank you teacher
Atisa Jarupan 5012240
