วันพุธที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Valentine Day
On 14 February every year everybody think love . The history about Valentine Day have to recollect to Saint Valentine she have to goodwill love and to desire for real human.Finally he died she was to excute on 14 February it was Roman empire not accept Christianity and to virulent to under the command or control of Cordius 2 he is to promulgate a law give human discontinue to esteem and do not Christian to marry and still have leader name Valentinus or human to praise Saint Valentine to act under cover marry to another sweetheart and finally he was to detain under custody and she very torture. Instead he meet love a girl was blindness.She is daughter of warden in jail he was to pray the woman the evy return to look again .When Cordius know he was command hit execute and cut the head and before he was execute he wrote a letter give love womand he wrote at last Love From Your Valentine. After that the human very impressive love story of two person on14 February everybody to hold Valentine day or SaintValentine's Day.So Valentine Day to spread Europe America and Asia.I think the story was very sad and help teach about love . The gift give to love. For example Rose flower have many colour red white pink every rose flower have meaning red rosr the meaning is love and desire white rose pure or innocent pink complete love .Some people do not give flower another give gard chocolate doll or candle aromatic and dinner .Cupid or the god of love was the symbol on Valentine day because Cupid daughter of Venus god to love to appear gard . In my opinion I think Valentine day was nonsensical because sometime I think not suitable in Asia give something a man because Thailand teach love myself and extravagant buy something sometime I know the human want to have boyfriend and girlfriend because in present time era change have develop country I think another have boyfriend and girlfriend you must love and sincere will just enough.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Chinese Festival
On 7 February every year have Chinese Festival I tell about a history about Chinese Festival .Chinese Festival Chinese people tell is the same happy in new year in China have party everbody wearing red cloths because red colour was prosperity of chinese people . When is near Chinese Festival everybody to prepare buy something for distribute give mother and Children .the history about Chinese Festival have many laong have to celebrate 15 days.when Chinese Festival everybody think ang pao meaning is red bag is the couple give ang pao children and the old people in relationship . About food everything have meaning for example water-lily seed the meaning is have children son and cousin man waterweeds meaning is rich and young bamboo shoot is happy.Traditon of festival is pai jea is to salute by placing the hand palm against palm and raising them to the face for to blessing the old people. the fruit for to salute by placing the hands palm against palm and raising them to the face use orange chinese people say tai gik meaning lucky grape or pu tor meaning to thrive and banana or geang jia meaning have a children.Sweet-meat is very important evreything have a meaning is fluffy rice flour cake or huak koy the meaning is the sweet meat isthe grow .Some Chinese Frestival have to celebrate we seen red colour of everything the word of auspicious is sin jia yu yi sin ni hua cai the meaning is to beg forlucky good everytime .Some house firecracker for to chase badly some to elevate a lion or dragon.Every must to avoid on Chinese Festival is use something is shape abot knife scissors because cut to a good something will come on new year .In my house my grandfather and grandmother are the Chinese people every year relationship conclude grandparents house for done everything. I very happy because I to get ang pao or money every year I to rereive about three thousand but I not use it because I to keep in bank because If the money live in me I still not have because I use in finally I will everybody is the funny on Chinese Festival and get to very money

thank you

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Freedom of speech in Thailand
I choose about talking because in Newspaper speech and internet have a post about ask me have freedom I think have a freedom but may be done another people get to damaged but some another people can be to be strict because it to insult .For example I say abot star news because some star people was insult maybe star do not famous connect .I think some star do not done but another people talk to before suffer whole star do not done.For example about about paramour about JiK Naowarat and Axe because in the news said Axe live in with Jik because Axe does not have money so have a newvery damage . I saw newspaper speech and internet have a post but finally Jik and Axe to stop in love . Foe example about government Smug Sunthornrawate President the person in Southern does not like him because Smug Sunthonrawate President live in Taksin Chainawat together . So in the Southern do not like because from the past Taksin Chinnawat to corrupt in Thailand can be Tuksin Chinnawat to dismiss from government.So in present time Smug Sunthonrawate live in together live in together with him .In the future everybody think Taksin Chinawat return to government .So everybody in Southern do not accept about Taksin Chinnawat return but if you ark why Smug Sunthornrawate pass goverment in southern say Smug Sunthonrawate havedishonesty and in the real because have one person in northeust have dishonesty Jn present time the government think must to dismiss and bring Pak Pachatipat to enter in government but Pak Pachtipat in the Southern like. but in Nourthern I looked on television don t have choose Pak pachatipat because I think in the Northern get tomoney choose Pak Palangkhan Pachachon but Pak Pachatipat don t give money the people not choose why people think choose good people enter to goverment some body choose Pak Palangpachachon because have a star isPanyporn Punnakan. finally example man Katareya Mexintoch to become pregant before married in the new is very to severe sometime I very pity to her because she have friend Mam Suriwipa she do not accept to her she say Mam Katareya does not friend connect because Mam katereya she don t accept about frind she say Mam katereya doesn t have friend because katereya not teel and another people angry because Mam katareya said she doen t know about she was pregnamt but she sixes month she pregnamt she was tell lie but I think in the story of yourself If Iwas Mam I understand another people may bedo not acceep her because she say lie If I was her I maybe marry with my boyfriend and say sorry with another people I conclude with freedom speech in Thailand I thaink not accept to freedom in Thailand because I think internet speech and newspaper and phon conversation is very serve and I think to entangled with another people.
thank you teacher

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Why I choose study at Assumtion university
On weekend I want to tell about why I choose study Assumtion . My moyher say give me study Abac because have english languese and have faculty of Law especially Law teach english languese I say yes mother My mother buy ticket plane give me look about Assumtion about education. In open Abac I study intensive cause I tell my mother I do not can study because english is very hard I do not understand but my mum say never mind I test study but I think I study english not good it was very bad In present time I pass English one I to fell english is very hard I like english about conversation another else I do not study for example writting grammar.I want to teacher helping me about grammar and writting thank you teacher

On weekend I was very happy because my mother come to subject I study facutly of art I think it very different because in Assumtion University I study faculty of law but in Ramkhamhaeng university I study facult of art I study Chineses langues I like Chinese laOn monday to Friday I not come to university two days because I went to Ramkhamhaeng university test to exammination the test is very hard I fall two nguese because I study three years but I tell about why I should study at Assumtion University because ma mother tell give me study Faculty of law but I tell my mother I do not like because faculty of Law I think it very difficult and Law should remember but my mother said At Abac is good because have english languese but I tell my mother At abac education it very expensive my mother said never mind I think I study at abac but I test entrance If I pass Entrance my mother give me study but I pass entrance in Songkhanakarin University but my mother said my mum ask teacher in Abac In present time I tell my mother I pass entrance but I do not say because my mother want give I study at Abac University I say yes with my mother .After I say yes with my mother she buy a plan ticket she say we go to Assumtion Bangkok I went to travel with my mother and my brother together I was very happy.
thank you teacher

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

After open university
On weekend I went to hometown in Phuket I very pround because Imet my grandmother nad relationship I went home town about 2weekend because University closed chrismas and happy new year together but in present time I come to Bangkok I accept I am very boring about study because in university close very long so I am very lazy I went home on Chrismas day thefamily go to Patong and Surin beach it was vey wonderful from in part and present is very covered for example. On Chrismas day have many tourist have China England Australia etc.I was very funny in family bring food water and fruit eat together with family . After finish each family halp keep dirty about bottle newspaper I think each people is very good because some another do not a peoplekeep it I can see I very pound after I went to Phuketfantasea on night because In Phuket have many famous i tell about Phuketfantasea
Phuket Fantasea Show Inspired by Thailand's rich and exotic heritage, Phuket FantaSea not only showcases the charm and beauty of Thailand, but also enriches ancient Thai traditions with
the wonder of cutting edge technology and special effects. The result is a stunning 140-acre theme complex, packed with a multitude of activities and entertainment: a festival village with carnivals, games, handicrafts and shopping; a 4,000 seat theme restaurant offering a grand buffet of Thai and international cuisines; and a breath-taking Las Vegas-style theatrical show, where state-of-the-art technology and special effects enhance the grace and beauty of Thailand's Myths, Mysteries and Magic in a wondrous extravaganza certain to delight the whole family.After I come home I back home on1 January because 2January open the university but I study english 1 on 2January I upsent because i very tired because I will to Bangkok after I study On weekend I fell boring but I think the next weekend I will very fun thank you teacher .

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2550



Last weekend I went to JJ mall I look dog it is very lovely I tell about dog have spicies for example I want to buy I leand about puddel is Puddle Poodle owners will attest the fact that Poodles have a very human way of thinking that is unique to this breed. They have an innate intelligence. The ability of Poodles to learn is considered exceptional. Poodles are faster than any other breed at discovering that spoken words mean something and they are thought to understand more spoken words. Many Poodle owners believe that Poodles actually come close to understanding grammar and whole sentences rather that just single words. In all probability, the breed originated in Germany or possibly in Russia. It is known as in German, meaning a puddle dog or one that likes splashing water. In France, it is known as the "Caniche" or Duck Dog. All of the Poodle's ancestors were good swimmers. One of the Poodle's ancestors is thought to be the North African Barbet which was imported to the Iberian Peninsula. From there it arrived in Gaul where it was used for its hunting abilities in the water. The Poodle is often called the "French Poodle" because of its popularity in that country where it is the national dog. Toy Poodles were very popular in England as a sleeve dog. All of the different sizes of the Poodle are considered to be one breed. This is an elegant looking breed with a sense of humor. Poodles are loyal, gentle, obedient, and good with children. In the United States the Standard Poodle is 15 inches (38cm) or more in height and weighs 45 to 65 pounds. It is the oldest of the three varieties and was traditionally used as a water retriever. It is closely related to the Portuguese Water Dog and the Irish Spaniel. The Miniature Poodle's height range is between 10 and 15 inches (28 cm to 38cm) in the United States. He weighs 10 to 18 pounds and he is shown in the "Non Sporting" group. The Miniature Poodle is probably the best known and the most numerous of the three sizes. He is full of fun, easy to train, and a great circus performer. Because of his keen sense of smell, he was used to search out truffles during winter months. This breed really enjoys obedience work. The Toy Poodle in the United States is 10 inches (25.5 cm) maximum in height and weighs about 6 pounds. He is shown in the "Toy" group. There is also a "teacup" or "pocket" Toy. This is not an official size designation but a marketing ploy used to sell very small Toy Poodles. These undersized Toys are often plagued with health problems. European standards have four sizes of poodles. The European Toy Poodle has a maximum height at the withers or 28 cm (11 inches). The European Dwarf Poodle is not a true dwarf. It has a size range between 28 cm and 35 cm (11 to 13.75 inches). Miniatures in Europe range from 35 cm to 45 cm (13.75 to 18.75 inches). European Standards have a minimum height of 45 cm (18.75 inches) and some have a maximum of 60 cm (23.5 inches). It is shown in the United States in the "Non Sporting" group with two primarily , the "Continental" and the "English Saddle" being used. They were developed to improve swimming ability, lighten the weight of the dog's coat, and protect joints and vital organs from the cold. Northern European nations leave their poodles in similiar cuts but with the fur long on the entire leg for warmth in snow. Poodles have had many references in art and literature. Bas-reliefs dating from the first century found along the shores of the Mediterranean portray the Poodle much as it is today. Drawings by the German artist Durer establish the breed in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the 18th century, it was the principle pet dog in Spain as shown by the artist Goya. A favorite subject of artists, the Poodle probably appears in more works of art than any other dog.I will want Puddle dog because it very lovely and my friend
Thank you



I want go to Chaina because China is very famous and have many travel I think closed this December I will go I think I want to study after graduade I study langues for 3 year China have many I will tell about history The History of China is told in traditional records that refer as far back as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors about 5,000 years ago, supplemented by archaeological records dating to the 16th century BC. China is one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations. Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to around 1500 BC. Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River valley. 221 BC is commonly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or empire. In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united China. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control the large territory.China alternated between periods of political unity and disunity, occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create Chinese culture .Langues is good I want study at Beijing I tell about beijing is Beijing, Jing for short, is the nation's political, economic, cultural and educational center as well as China's most important center for international trade and communications. Together with Xian, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Nanjing and Hangzhou, Beijing is one of the six ancient cities in China. It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history and consequently there is an unparalleled wealth of discovery to delight and intrigue travelers as they explore Beijing's ancient past and enjoy its exciting modern development. As the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is located in northern China, close to Tianjin Municipality and partially surrounded by Hebei Province. The city covers an area of more than 16,410 square kilometers and has a population of 14.93 million people. Beijing is a city with four distinct seasons. Its best is late spring and autumn. But autumn is taken as the golden tourist season of the year since there is sometimes in the spring of recent years, a yellow wind. We suggest tourists visit Beijing during the months of May, September, and October when people can enjoy bright sunshine and blue skies. An abundance of international class performances are presented in May. If you like winter, you will have other chances to appreciate another landscape of Beijing. After skiing in Beihai and viewing the snowy sights on West Hill, enjoying the steaming hotpot is the best choice, which is really the fun of tour in Beijing. Please keep warm and remember to bring your down garments and sweaters when you visit Beijing in the winter. I want to go because I like langues
thank you