วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Why I choose study at Assumtion university
On weekend I want to tell about why I choose study Assumtion . My moyher say give me study Abac because have english languese and have faculty of Law especially Law teach english languese I say yes mother My mother buy ticket plane give me look about Assumtion about education. In open Abac I study intensive cause I tell my mother I do not can study because english is very hard I do not understand but my mum say never mind I test study but I think I study english not good it was very bad In present time I pass English one I to fell english is very hard I like english about conversation another else I do not study for example writting grammar.I want to teacher helping me about grammar and writting thank you teacher

On weekend I was very happy because my mother come to subject I study facutly of art I think it very different because in Assumtion University I study faculty of law but in Ramkhamhaeng university I study facult of art I study Chineses langues I like Chinese laOn monday to Friday I not come to university two days because I went to Ramkhamhaeng university test to exammination the test is very hard I fall two nguese because I study three years but I tell about why I should study at Assumtion University because ma mother tell give me study Faculty of law but I tell my mother I do not like because faculty of Law I think it very difficult and Law should remember but my mother said At Abac is good because have english languese but I tell my mother At abac education it very expensive my mother said never mind I think I study at abac but I test entrance If I pass Entrance my mother give me study but I pass entrance in Songkhanakarin University but my mother said my mum ask teacher in Abac In present time I tell my mother I pass entrance but I do not say because my mother want give I study at Abac University I say yes with my mother .After I say yes with my mother she buy a plan ticket she say we go to Assumtion Bangkok I went to travel with my mother and my brother together I was very happy.
thank you teacher
